
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

big sister practice

A few moments the past few days have me really excited about our new baby arriving. The common thread is Addie practicing as a big sister. Today we reorganized the amazing indoor storage compartments that are hidden throughout our condo. We moved the baby swing and bouncer out and put the Christmas boxes in. Adelaide immediately grabbed her baby doll and started pushing her in the swing. She even lent her doll an extra lovie so she could sleep better. Baby and Addie sat in the bouncer as well. When baby was in the bouncer lots tender touches and sweet talk came out of Addie's mouth soothing the baby. It was pretty cute. The day before Addie insisted that I bring her musical snow globe down from it's shelf and turn on the music. She then curled up in (what's left of) my lap and rubbed my belly while we listened to the tune. My heart melted. I think we definitely have a great big sister in the making.


  1. Sara, this is so precious. It sounds like Addie is going to be a protective big sister, instead of a jealous one.

  2. That is just the sweetest story ever! I love how Addie was rubbing your belly!! Addie will be a great big sister!

  3. AWWWWWW! Almost made me cry. I'm so glad it looks like she will be a great big sister. Love you all.

  4. So, so cute! I can't wait to see you in a few months!!! I think Addie will be a natural, if she's anything like her mother. *grin*
