
Saturday, February 21, 2009

30 weeks

Here I am at 30 weeks. We've settled on the name Arabella Jun for our new daughter. (I hesitate to announce the name because you always hear praise and disgust. So if you love it; by all means let us know. If you hate it; keep your comments to yourself). Justin has officially picked out both Adelaide and Arabella; both from books he's read (Adelaide from Neil Stephenson's Baroque Cycle and Arabella from Susanna Clark's Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell). Arabella hit me the same at Adelaide. At some point in the pregnancy this baby just became my little Bella. I can't picture her name being anything else. So everyone asks how we decided on it and in some ways I feel like she picked her name more than me and Justin choosing.

Anyhow, Arabella is getting big and I am officially uncomfortable now. My support belt and I are becoming close friends. I will be leaving for Washington at the perfect time here because the summer has started. Yesterday it was 97 degrees. Not cool!


  1. You look so great! I can't wait for little Bella to grace us with her presence! I love you guys!

  2. The name, as well as the mom are beautiful.
