
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Missing DC?

It's amazing that I am admitting this but...I miss DC...home really. I miss the 14th street bridge, the Metro, Georgetown walks, seeing the National Mall daily. Even the hustle and bustle of traffic and people with their important jobs is something I miss being in the Philippines. Everyone in DC has an agenda (not so much in the P.I.). We stayed in MD so unfortunately we didn't get to spend as much time in DC or VA as I would have liked. Plus the weather was too bitter cold to really do any outdoor walking or exploring in our old neighborhoods. We didn't even make a trip to Whole Foods, Carlyle, Maggie Moos, Clarendon! Arg! The lesson I learned with our R&R home was that all those favorite places aren't going anywhere. They will be there when we get back. Thank goodness! The hardest for me was driving down our street in Arlington and going back to our house. We met our tenant, saw our property manager, checked out the work we had done on the house and I couldn't stop from tearing up. I miss our little home and all the memories we have in it. It was hard to see it there without us living in it. Addie climbed up the stairs and I think vaguely remembered the place. Anyway, it was sad for me and made me miss home even more than I already do.
Our trip to DC involved a wonderful visit to the Museum of Natural History (my all time favorite of the Smithsonians). The new ocean exhibits were completed and we had so much fun showing Addie all the displays. Our favorite part was the new butterfly pavilion where we observed hundreds of live butterflies. They actually landed on us. Amazing! Addie still points in the air and says "fly" whenever we see pictures of butterflies now. It made an impression on all of us.

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