
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Party #2

Today was a day for Addie (as if all our days aren't really devoted to her). After our breakfast with Santa we came home and after a nap and lunch had some serious Duplo building time. We built a castle and a huge tower. Justin and I were more excited about it than Addie. Duplos are our favorite new toy! Then it was on to party number 2 at the British School Manila for the Mothers and Darlings group we belong to. We made some Christmas crafts, watched the kids on the bouncy castle (Addie was fascinated but too scared to get in herself), ate yummy snacks, watched a bubble show, and a really cool acrobatic routine.

More than any of these things Addie loved the huge gymnastics mat in the middle of the gym. She wandered over on her own and started dancing to the music. Soon enough other kids were joining her. She wore herself completely out and was asleep on the car ride home. She rarely does this and always wakes up when we bring her inside. Tonight she was so tired she stayed asleep and we had to finally wake her up for dinner. It was a fun filled day.


  1. Looks like you have a little acrobat on your hands. Do I hear a little tikes tumbling class in her future? Love the pics. Se eyou in about 1 month.


  2. Sara,

    Could Addie get any cuter?

