
Thursday, December 4, 2008

19 weeks pregnant

So here I am at 19 weeks. I'm carrying Hokie Bird 2 the same as I carried Adelaide; low and out. From behind you wouldn't notice I'm pregnant until I turn to the side, then belly! Things are going well. The baby is growing fast because I'm starving all the time. The trip to Hong Kong took it out of me so I'm still catching up on sleep. Addie is still rather clueless to the fact that her little brother or sister is growing inside my belly. She kisses my belly but in general she wants to use me as an indoor play gym like normal. She's in for a surprise come May when she has to share me!


  1. You look radiant! I'm so stoked to be an aunt for the second time!

  2. Holy Moly!!! I can't believe that you are going to have a baby!!! that is the best news ever!!! Congrats!!! I found your blog on one of my emails that I saved from Axis. I've lost your email when I left Axis last March. Please email me at I can't wait to hear from you!!! Love you so much!!! Heather
