
Friday, October 24, 2008

Hokie Bird 2 update

I had another doctor's appointment today. I am finding that all the appointments include a sonogram which is so much fun. I love getting to see the baby's growth. Although I don't need a scan to tell me the baby's getting bigger, my belly is a tell-tale sign of that. Anyway, the heart beat is nice and strong. I saw two hands complete with fingers, two legs moving and stretching and two feet with toes! The head is nice and big (but not too big). I saw the stomach, liver, spine, and heart. It was really neat to see the baby move as I did and just wiggle around. Right now we are 13 weeks so hopefully soon I will start to feel all the kicks and punches. My doctor said she can sometimes make a guess at the sex but I stopped her and reminded her it's going to be a surprise. So far the baby is getting big and strong. It was very good news.

1 comment:

  1. Sara,

    Thanks for all the updates - we love seeing the pictures and hearing about your adventures. Glad to hear that Hokie Bird #2 is growing a developing like a champ! We miss you all ... Love, Donna
