
Sunday, September 7, 2008

locals for a day

Trey took the entire family to a quiet little beach on the north shore for our last full day in Hawaii. It was a completely different experience than crowded touristy Waikiki. Kiki packed a cooler with PB&J and water. The guys got beer (Kona Brewing Co. for Justin and The King of Beers for Trey). We threw down our towels and just played in the sand. All of my childhood memories at the beach came flooding back as Justin and I helped build a sand castle for Addie. We dug a huge moat across the front. She enjoyed pushing down our sand towers and sitting in the moat more than anything. Such a typical kid. She wasn't afraid of the waves and actually went out in the water with her Daddy and Uncle Trey. She resisted dry land after experiencing the waves and Justin had to take her back in time after time. For all the Oregon Coast lovers, this was not just getting your toes wet, no jumping over the waves or running from them before the icy water hits your legs. This was sprawling out across her Daddy's arms floating on top of the waves. She even got daring and sat on the boogie board and road the waves. I'll admit that I sat watching on the sand in awe that my daughter is such a brave little girl and also terrified that Justin didn't always have one hand on Addie. I guess it's just a Mom thing. Addie came out covered in salt water, sand in her ears and diaper and completely happy. The day was topped off with a shave ice on the way home and a big Pizza Hut pizza for dinner. Addie and Riley took naps at the house and we just relaxed. What a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Sara,

    Sounds like you all had a fabulous trip! I am so glad that all got to meet Riley and to spend some time with Trey and Rachel. I know it meant a lot to all of you! We miss you and thoroughly enjoy the blog! Hugs and kisses,

    Aunt Donna
