
Monday, July 14, 2008


I'm a complete sucker for my daughter. She makes it very difficult to be mad at her and discipline her. When I say no she usually looks at me, smiles, and giggles waiting for me to smile indicating I was playing. It's almost impossible to keep a straight face. Anyway, today during lunch Addie didn't eat much and I had to throw away a big pile of perfectly good vegetable stir-fry, bananas, and black beans. I tried the "there are starving children in this world (around the corner)" line on her to no avail. I'm such a sucker that 10 min later I gave her a few bites of chocolate pudding. I gotta work on this stern Mama thing.

1 comment:

  1. She is just too adorable! I love my niece! I can't wait to see you guys in August...I miss my family!
