
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sir Matt

When Justin and I met there were more fireworks than A Capitol Fourth. I remember very clearly coming home to call my mom and tell her I had just met the man I was going to marry. She asked me what he looked like and I think I said something along the lines of "he looks like Matt Damon". HA! Little did I know that I wasn't the only one in the world who thought so. Justin happens to get that comment more frequently than he's willing to admit. Sales clerks, co-workers, parking attendants, friends, and acquaintances. He's still surprised to hear the compliment and turns all "aw shucks" which completely melts your heart towards him even

more. It's not just the similarity in the facial features it's expressions and the way his mouths moves, gestures even. Believe me, you won't hear a complaint from this happy wife. Even though I personally think Justin is the better looking of the two men.

Anyway, a few weeks back Justin was dealing with some administrative issues with two Filipino women at the Embassy, one made the comment that he looked like Matt Damon which of course caused blushing and "aw shucks" from my hubby. As he was leaving the woman asked what movie he was going to be in next and proceeded to break into a fit of giggles with her co-worker. The little joke continued on between these giggly women and my husband. A few days ago our driver Gary saw the women and they asked him if he was "Sir Matt's driver". Gary corrected them saying no he worked for Sir Justin. After the women explained the joke Gary, deservingly, gave Justin a hard time. We had no idea the Matt Damon comments would reach Justin on the other side of the world.

I can think of much worse afflictions! Wow! He's so husband of course!

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