
Friday, July 11, 2008

new discoveries

Addie has discovered that her finger fits nicely up her nose. She's also discovered her belly button and that her parents have one too. I don't think I'm going to be one of those mom's who forbids nose picking all together. That would mean as a family we'd have to give it up. I can't very well tell Addie she can't pick her nose then continue doing it myself. That's right I admit it, I pick my nose sometimes (daily). Anyone who says they don't pick their nose is a total liar. Manila and it's pollution is a terrible combination for your nose. So anyway, there are some really important discoveries going on for Addie.

1 comment:

  1. Emme has discovered MY nose - as I am trying to put her quietly to sleep, she shoves her fingers up my nose for a reaction. She is mastering torture tactics early.
