
Monday, June 2, 2008

this can't be normal

Justin and I have a thing about kids who are picky eaters. We've always said that we will raise our kids to eat what's put in front of them. We are determined not to be the parents who cook a meal for themselves and then one for the kids each night. That being said, we aren't dealing with a 3 year old yet so I imagine it will get a tad trickier when Addie can voice her preferences.

We sat down for dinner on Sunday night at an American chain restaurant. (I'm too embarrassed to state the name since we couldn't believe we were eating there since we don't even eat there when we were in the States). Anyway, we were all tired and hungry and just needed sustenance. I told the waiter to hurry and bring out the kids meal of chicken strips and french fries to feed my daughter. You can imagine our surprise and secret excitement when, the meal arrived quickly hot off the fryer and my daughter refused to eat it. The fries the chicken, it all went in her mouth and then right out onto the floor. I even dipped the strips in the honey mustard sauce but not a bite went down. When Justin and my orders finally arrived Addie chowed down on Justin's broccoli and rice pilaf and my shredded BBQ beef. We couldn't help but laugh. Who can blame her really, the kids meals are so bland and boring.

Since we've been here Addie's tastes have expanded. She eats Korean Chop Che, Indian chicken curry and garlic naan, Chinese hand cut noodle stir-fry. Pretty much whatever we are eating she eats too. Last night she ate asparagus...and liked it.

We must be doing something right. Whatever it is I hope we keep it up.

1 comment:

  1. Sara,
    I think that is awesome. Sounds like Addie has a fine palate.
