
Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I have a ridiculously clean house right now. I cannot take any credit for the sparkle of the floors or the clean fresh sheets on my bed. It's all due to Aida. I should call her St. Aida, Patron Saint of Lysol but instead we call her Nanny Aida or Yaya Aida (photo below). As you've guessed and I've hinted at earlier, we have a full-time live-in housekeeper, it's only her second week and already we love her and the results of her efforts.

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not a perfectionist when it comes to the cleanliness of my house. I do the minimum but I have never once washed my windows and I rarely dust. I will scrub the bathtub but only when you can really see the scum ring with your naked eye. So this is the first time that I have a super clean house and it feels amazing. I no longer feel guilty, stressed, or lacking in the area of homemaking. Our beds are made, the laundry is ironed, the windows are washed, and we even get to sample Aida's cooking. Tonight she's making chicken and spinach lasagna (I find lasagna too laborious...not for Aida). I had to run errands this morning and when I came home Addie had been fed her lunch and was smiling! My piece of mind is priceless. I find there is so much more time for other things like playing and reading with Addie. I get to cook interesting meals without Addie screaming at my heels for my attention. The other plus is that Justin comes home to a happy wife! I am sure he can't put a price tag on that.

Yes, that is a Cheerio on our toilet seat. And no I wouldn't have freaked if Addie ate it since the seats are cleaned DAILY!!! (Don't worry I threw it away so no one will be eating it...I was just trying to get my point across).
I admit I am not currently living in an American reality with all this glorious help. Yes, I am spoiled. Yes, I will flail when we return to the States but for right now I am going to enjoy it. Aida is one of the perks of living overseas.

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