
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

making friends

As you can see from the pictures posted, Addie is making fast friends with the neighbor boys Isaac and Lincoln. It's cute to see the friendship develop. Lincoln is closer to Addie's age and today Jenny and I watched Addie and Lincoln touch foreheads and noses and smile at one another. Maybe there is some chemistry there or it's just the way toddlers say "let's be friends", either way it was pretty darn cute. We have frequent play dates with the boys since they live upstairs in our building. Addie loves playing with their "new" toys and the boys can't get enough of the ball pit. It's a wonderful arrangement.

Yesterday, Addie and I went to our first MADS (mothers and darlings) play group. Group B (1-2 yrs) meets twice a week rotating among the Mom's homes. It was really fun meeting a whole group of new kids and Moms. We were the only Americans there so it was even cooler to meet some British, Australian, German, and Italian friends. I know it sounds silly but I was fascinated just listening to all the different accents and hearing all their stories. "Bugger" was said quite often as well as "telly", "nein", "lolly", and "mummy". Some of the kids names were Hugo, Reef, Poppy, and Joelle. It was so fun. Addie had a blast with the other kids while the Mom's chatted about Sex and the City and fancy medical spa's (Sex and the City is a world wide hit-I only just finished watching the entire series, seasons 1-7 last week. I watched it non-stop for the past few weeks. I was literally dreaming about Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte. What a great show and I got the whole series for 70 pesos. But I digress). The gorgeous German mom (she could be Heidi Klum's sister) works at a medical spa (she's an emergency room ER back in Germany). She described for us what a wheat grass rectal implant was. You don't want to know. Some of the ladies are planning a Botox party (I'll pass)The whole experience was very European and I loved it. Even the finger food for the kids was cool (papaya and vegetable samosas) I can't wait for the next play group. Sorry there are no pictures from the play group. I didn't want to be the crazy mom with the least not yet.

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