
Monday, May 26, 2008

time for cooking... and eating

One of the benefits staying at home during the day (besides spending every moment with my precious girl) is that I have time to cook and bake. We were in an ugly dinner rut at home. Since we've moved I've tried a bunch of new recipes. The produce and grocery items are different here all our meals taste slightly different here. It's been nice to try new things and update our old favorites. A new favorite I must pass on is Curried Honey Mustard Chicken. I love curry but had no idea how to use it so I got online and found this super easy recipe. It was delicious. So good that I am making it again this week. I definitely recommend it.
At home we made a lot of strawberry or mixed berry banana smoothies in the blender for snacks or breakfast. Our new favorite is mango banana or mango/watermelon banana. Just blend 4 ice cubes, 2-3 tbsp yogurt any flavor, a banana, half a mango, and a few big hunks of watermelon. Then add non-fat milk to get the consistency you prefer.
Starting June 16th our housekeeper/cook, Aida will be adding her Filipino recipes into the mix as well. That's right, we hired a helper and we are pretty excited to get a little help cleaning, cooking, and running errands. She loved Addie and Lucy and comes highly recommended. She said she'd be sure to get us organized. Perfect! We need an organizer. Plus all we have to do is just give her a recipe and she'll cook it. I'm starting a list for Aida of recipes I never took the time to prepare!
I don't have to give up cooking completely when Aida starts. We're going to share the responsibility. So on my nights to cook I can have the kitchen clear of little wobbly baby girls hanging on my apron. It's going to be great.

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