
Thursday, May 22, 2008

all things foreign

It's been hard to put into words what living in Manila is actually like. I guess I'm still trying to figure it out myself. It's so different than being in the United States it's mind boggling. The biggest change for me is the inability to jump in your car and get somewhere quickly and efficiently. First of all I don't have a car right now and if I did I wouldn't be driving it. The traffic is a nightmare, there are no driving rules, parking is nonexistent and there is just simply no such thing as efficiency in the Philippines. The word has been eliminated from their Taglish dictionary. I hate that it's a cash society, this debit card addicted girl is barely adjusting to that. The pollution is yucky, so is the trash and dog poop on the sidewalks (even in our very nice Makati City neighborhood). I had a run in with a cockroach the size of a kiwi the other day...not cool. I miss Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, and Target...already! Oh and I truly miss ice cream. The ice cream is crap here and expensive. Starbucks sells coffee jelly in Manila. It's coffee flavored jello. The Filipinos love gelatin products. That's just weird!

Jeepneys=very weird!!

On the bright side I love the sense of adventure being in a foreign country has elicited from me. Every time we go somewhere it's exciting and new. We found an amazing Indian restaurant that makes the most delicious garlic naan I've ever had. All the Filipinos are friendly and smile at us where ever we go. The fresh fruit is amazing. I could eat mangos and watermelon every day (actually I am!). I'm interviewing a woman this weekend to be our full-time, live-in housekeeper/cook. That is something that is both strange and cool at the same time. Where else in the world could I stay home full time with my daughter and not have to do laundry while she naps? No where!
Gorgeous flower lined streets= very pretty!

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