
Monday, February 18, 2008

barking like a seal

Well, we can add croup to the list of illnesses Addie has experienced. Her cold turned into a nasty barking cough this afternoon. She cries everytime she coughs because it's such a deep horrible bark. We've cranked her humidifier up but we are expecting to be up double-time with her tonight. Although it was a three day weekend we aren't more rested because of it. The last few nights have been tough. Justin and I try to take turns soothing her when she wakes but whenever Justin picks her up she immediately cranes her neck towards the door and cries for her Mama. In the end I'm up most of the night with her. Tonight should be extra exhausting.

Besides croup, Addie has had a pretty exciting weekend. She's army crawling around the house. She makes a few steps forward on her hands and knees but her quickest mode of transportation is still army crawling. She's pulling herself up on the toy box and coffee table. She's making me a bit more nervous with all her bouncing and grabbing and pulling of everything that is in sight. She's also decided that strained food is for the birds, "give me the real stuff!". She tried cooked carrots, zucchini, apples, pasta, bread, scrambled egg yolk, and cheese this weekend. If she wasn't sick I think she would have devoured it all. That being said she still had fun playing with all the bits of food and eating some of it too. Avacado is still her favorite. Addie is now drinking water from a sippy cup. It took all of an afternoon for her to use the cup on her own. She's totally advanced...I'm sure of it. Watching her use the sippy cup, put food in her mouth with her hands, and stand at her toy box and reach for toys that catch her fancy all make me so proud. All of this while she was sick. Watch out for the weekend when she is feeling 100%. She's amazing.

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