
Thursday, January 3, 2008

White Christmas

A miracle took place this year on December 25th in Portland, Oregon: it snowed! We NEVER have white Christmases at home so this was an extra special treat for Addie’s first Christmas. There was a light dusting for the gathering of Mom’s side of the family. Everyone showered Addie with gifts and love. She especially enjoyed playing inside a big box. Before the gathering in the morning Mom and Dad cooked a wonderful breakfast while we played with Addie. Justin gave me a beautiful new Nikon camera (can’t wait to use it) and he loved his new Swiss Army watch. Gifts giving and receiving is too much fun! Addie fit into her Hokie Bird PJs that Auntie Brienne bought for her long before she was born. It was perfect timing for Christmas. The day was relaxing and full of love and joy. Just perfect!

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