
Thursday, January 10, 2008


Lots of random thoughts have been floating around my brain lately that I am going to share in a typical consultant's method of conveying information: A bulleted list!

  • I am so glad that college football is done and can't wait for NFL football to be done as well.

  • I finally got that scent, Sugar Lychee I've been drooling over from fresh and it is way more complex than I thought. I feel gorgeous wearing it.

  • My New Years resolution is to keep the house cleaner. Yesterday I "mopped" the kitchen floor on my hands and knees with a roll of paper towels and household cleaner-don't tell my Mother!

  • I drink at least 70 ounces of water every day. (Hey-I said it was random)

  • Yesterday, at an office Baby Shower I ate 5 Rice Krispie treats and didn't feel guilty.

  • My daughter, by far, is the cutest kid at her day care.
  • I have not slept for more than 6 uninterupted hours since May 28th 2007.
  • During a recent meeting with my colleagues we argued the "realness" of the word projectize. In the words of my dear friend Kathleen "I wanted to cut my arm off and beat myself with it".
  • I blow dry my hair on the way to work in my car by blasting the heater and directing the vents at my head.

  • I plan on voting D in the election whomever gets nominated.

Something less random is my desire for a project. I decided that once we move to the Philippines I am going to start a sewing project. I sewed minimally when I was younger with my Mom but I will need to re-teach myself and get a sewing machine. I think it will be a fun way to keep myself busy since I don't plan on working when we are in Manila. I haven't completely decided what the project will be. I want to do something simple that I can perfect and give as gifts. I have some inspiration and a vision in my head. One thing I have decided is a brand! So when my product becomes mildly famous or popular you will see my label all over. Those of you who know me will understand the cleverness of it.

1 comment:


    I particularly like your method of blow drying your hair. If only that would work for me- mine would be standing on end. Although, I think I could wash my hair on the way to work by hanging my head out the window, if I wanted a cold, acid rain shower.

    And I LOVE your label- it's so very YOU!

    I miss you.
