
Sunday, January 6, 2008

before our eyes

Addie has grown before our eyes these past two weeks. While we were in Washington her second front bottom tooth surfaced. It's taken no time to sprout as tall as the first and they are visible when she opens her mouth. It's so adorable. She likes to push her tongue down on her teeth to test out how they feel. She has also started to scoot herself on the floor a little bit and moves from a sitting position to a tummy position easily. Her foot gets caught often but she's trying so hard to crawl and move. Tonight she got on her knees and was bouncing up and down a bit while pulling herself up on her Dad. She's reaching her arms out for who she wants between her Mom or Dad, it's so sweet that she's able to express that she wants me. Addie has also started to say dadadada. She said it once as Justin walked by so I think she might grasp dada is Daddy. No luck with Mama yet. Just within the last three days Addie has started scrunching up her nose and sniffing loudly. It's hilarious. Her personality is definitely coming through. It's so fun watching my baby grow!

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