
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"Sure, I'd love to"

I said "yes" as a Mom for the first time the other day to something I really should have said "no thanks" to. Addie's daycare and our church, Our Lady Queen of Peace had a Thanksgiving lunch for the Early Learning Center's kids, administrators, and parents yesterday. On Monday Ms. Kay asked me if I was coming and that I should bring some dessert, and oh how nice it will be. So I said yes, knowing that I would have to drive from downtown DC to the church and then back to work all in a frenzy dealing with the mid-day un-synchronized traffic lights and saying goodbye to my daughter after the short visit. Anyway, I went to the lunch yesterday grabbing some overpriced but delicious cookies from Au Bon Pain on the way. I got to see Addie for 10 minutes then they ushered the Mom's to the gym for the meal where I scarfed turkey and mashed potatoes and stuffed a few of my store bought cookies in my pocket for the drive back to work. I was disappointed that in the end I didn't get to eat lunch with my daughter (duh! she's 5 and a 1/2 months old). I really did enjoy meeting a few of the other Moms and sharing our stories. The other great moment was seeing Father Nadolski and his faithful dog. In the end I snuggled Addie although it was hard to kiss her goodbye as she was going down for her afternoon nap. I swear the look on her face said "Mom, aren't you going to take me home now?". I'm just glad Justin has daycare drop-off duty in the morning. I couldn't deal.

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