
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

real food

Addie's taste buds have been introduced to some crazy new flavors lately. We're trying whole grain oatmeal cereal which seemed to sit better in her tummy than the rice cereal. Unfortunately we didn't experience the miraculous sleeping-through-the-night that suddenly hits some kids after introducing cereal. Just the opposite. We've had some sleepless nights while this little one's digestive system gets used to something other than breast milk. Slowly but surely Addie is becoming familiar with the spoon and sitting in her high chair. Now she grabs the spoon and opens her mouth wide for the next bite. Just a few days ago we started prunes. It must have been an explosion of flavor in Addie's mouth. Her face after the introductory bite was hilarious. I can't imagine the intense flavor those prunes provided when all she's ever tasted is the milk and oatmeal (mixed with milk). Addie loves the prunes now and we plan on introducing other stage one fruits and veggies as time goes on. Hopefully we can instill good eating habits from the very beginning.

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