
Friday, November 2, 2007


It was the second night in a row that my little Addie Boo wasn't in bed until 9 PM. Last night we had a weeknight out thanks to my friend Andrea who was in DC for a quick trip. Her visit forced the Arlingtonians out of Virginia and into DC for dinner which turned out just fabulous.
We happened upon Kavanagh's Pizza Pub (2400 Wisconsin Ave. NW, DC 20007). This cozy casual pizza joint hit the spot. Walking inside I got a sense of deja vu; it reminded me of one of my favorite little Italian places Faccia Luna in Clarendon. Sure enough Kavanagh's Pizza Pub is a spin off from Faccia Luna opened by a couple who's collective employment at Faccia Luna exceeded two decades! Kavanagh's boasts a long list of yummy pizzas. By the time we sat down, occupied Addie with her toys, and looked at the menu we were starving and quickly decided that the Aloha pizza (essentially Hawaiian) would do the trick. And it did. The pizza crust was perfect with little air pockets and all. Skip the fresh mozzarella and tomato appetizer, the portion was too small and the pizza arrived so quickly we didn't really need it.
Kavanagh's is totally kid friendly. The booths are spacious and the dividers in between them are thick and tall so we felt almost alone in the pizza pub. Addie was giddy for most of the meal until a few outbursts signaled that she was ready to go home and go to bed! ("Mom, how could you let this happen two nights in a row?"). All in all it was a great meal with great company. Reconnecting with Andrea was easy since she's like family I haven't seen in awhile. We wish her all the luck with her upcoming endeavor.

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