
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Greatest Dad

I have to toot my husband's horn a bit (I know he'll turn that statement into an innuendo tonight). But seriously, Justin is the greatest Dad! I knew when I met him he'd not only be a great husband but also a wonderful father. For those of you who know Justin well you know his love for kids and their love for him in return. Kids just gravitate to him.
Addie is so lucky to have such an amazing father. Not only has my husband been involved in every aspect of Addie's life from the moment of conception until now, he was a stay-at-home-Dad for the month of October. How many men do you know volunteer their vacation time to stay home with their new babies? Justin gladly stayed home and at the end of the month was sad to head back to work. For the entire month he was the one who put her down for naps, took her on walks, sang silly songs, and cared for her all day long. He also cooked, cleaned, and ran errands, all with a smile on his face. No complaints, frustration or loosing his cool when Addie pooped through her third onesie of the day or decided she wasn't going to take a nap at all. He took it all in stride like the amazing Dad that he is. Becoming a father has made Justin an even better man and husband and I am so blessed to be his partner in parenting and in life. He challenges me to be a better wife, mother, and woman.

Seeing Addie's face light up when she sees her father is all the confirmation anyone needs to know what a great Dad Justin is. Addie loves her Daddy and so do I!

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