
Sunday, November 18, 2007


Today Megan, Addie and I tried out Buzz Bakery which specializes in cupcakes. I decided to get inspired before I attempt to use my carrot cake recipe as cupcakes for Thanksgiving. Buzz (901 Slater Lane, Alexandria, VA) was super easy to find even for someone as directionally challenged as I am. The decor was extremely hip and cool. Old 1950's kitchen utensils were used as wall art and contrasted nicely with the brightly colored modern bakery. I ordered the Bumble Bee cupcake; vanilla cake with chocolate syrup inside covered in butter cream frosting. Megan had the Pumpkin cupcake with cream cheese frosting. Both were yummy, mine was a tad sweet. I'd recommend any of the cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. It was super yummy. We sat at the cool table and chatted while Addie flirted with the young guy sitting across the way. She stared, smiled, and cooed until he looker her way. Her Daddy was less than amused by this report. I have to admit she flirted like an old pro. I think all the patrons on their laptops were pleasantly surprised by Addie's giggles and chatter; she was in an especially good mood all day today. I ordered a few cupcakes to go and we headed to the cool women's boutique, Periwinkle across the street. It was definitely the place you go to if you need a unique party dress or an amazing designer jacket. I left with a turquoise belt that was calling my name. I could have done some serious damage but I resisted. All in all the afternoon was awesome. Buzz was worthy of the raving Washingtonian review it received. My one complaint is that the women's room was sans diaper changing station. Addie and I got creative when it was time to change a diaper that couldn't wait until we got home. This Mommy learned a lesson today: always perform the sniff test before you leave the house.

1 comment:

  1. Yummy...I really do miss you all, but thanks for doing this sara...i love to see what you are doing from day to day, addie is changing sooo much and i can't wait to see her in few weeks. I'm under the knife tomorrow, i'll try to call you sometime at the end of the week. Hugs and kisses, Emily
