
Frequently asked ?

I love getting questions via email so if you don't see the answer to your question, please don't hesitate to send me an email.  These are the most frequent questions I hear.

FAQ about myself and this blog

Are you responsible for all the photography for your blogs? Yes! If there is a photo on my blog that I haven't taken, I will give credit to the source.

Do you share your photos?  Can I use one of your photographs?  Generally, I don't have a problem sharing. I would appreciate it if you email me to ask permission and then when you use the photograph, I would like to be given credit as well as a link back to my blog.  I'm really glad you like the photos!

What kind of camera do you use?  What kind of camera gear do you own?  I'm a Nikon lover!
For many years I owned a Nikon D40 and it served me very well.  I have recently (Jan 2013) upgraded to a Nikon D7000 which I love.  I've always, almost exclusively, shot with my 50 mm f 1.4 lens.  I don't own any camera gear, special flash attachments or filters.  I always make do with the natural lighting. I have dreams of owning a few more lenses but that will come with time.

Do you have any formal training as a photographer?  No, I have never taken any classes or had any training. I've been interested in photography for six years now and all my training has been self taught and anything I've learned has come with lots of practice.

How do I get in touch with you about a photography project/job?  Please send me an email, then I can provide you my price list and we can talk about a contract.

Can you do family or children portrait style shoots?  I've only ever photographed my own children in this way.  I really enjoy it though, so if you are interested I would love to work with you, your children or your family!

Are all the recipes on your blog originals, created by you?  Some of them are but most are adaptations from recipes I've found elsewhere.  When I know the origins of the recipe I used I always credit that original source.  Some sources have escaped me over the years so I am lost when it comes to those situations.