
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My First Try

I used to journal as a little girl and stopped when life got too busy (a decade ago in high school). Now that I am a new Mom I have the urge to reconnect with my inner-journaling self. Plus all my friends and family a million miles away can feel more apart of our yuppie life here on the East Coast. Mostly, my daughter is growing so fast and I am constantly looking for new ways to capture memories. I can't stop time and keep her as a baby forever so maybe if I write it all down it will help.

A tad of background first: I am a Washingtonian (the state not the District of Columnia) by birth; lived a wonderfully cozy and quaint childhood with my parents and two sisters in an adorable old suburban farm house; graduated from Pacific Luteran University in 2003 (Go Lutes!); moved to Washington DC; took a consulting job; married my best friend, Justin in 2005; bought a little brick row home in Arlington, VA; adopted our puppy Lucy; had our first daughter, Addie in May 2007. In a nut shell Justin, Addie, Lucy, and I are a lovely little yuppie family. We love walks, coffe shops, Maggie Moos/Ben and Jerry's, Gap jeans, Gymboree, used book sales, Nordstrom, our 98 Jeep Cherokee, Lost, The Office, Trader Joes, Virginia Tech Football, the beach, and our DVR!

Life is pretty super right now. Everything completely changed since Addie has joined the family. Very cliche but true. She's was so wanted and wished for and now that she's here, she's even more amazing than we ever could have imagined. I fall in love with her every day over and over again.
Well, I guess I am officially a blogger now! Phew, that wasn't so bad!